Wednesday, March 24, 2010

B Movie Monster Poster

This is for our second project in inspirational design (illustration class). we were given a B movie monster poster that we were supposed to use as reference when we created a poster of our own. We had to use some of the name from the original poster and then replace some of it with whatever we wanted. My poster was Godzilla vs. Megalon so I changed Megalon to Ninja Mouse.


Rachel Colleen said...

This is too exciting for me to process. I will buy the memorabilia and all of the collectibles.

p.s. please publish the comic book in English.. I haven't learned Japanese quite yet.
-No Sarcasm.
your #1 fan

Rachel Colleen said...

by comic book, I of course mean the comic book series that is sure to follow the movie

Little Curtis said...

HAHA! OK, comics are not my forte, but if anyone else wants to make the comic I sure would let them and take a small amount of the profits. Thanks for the comments Rachel!